• deacons

    The Deacons are the servants of the church and as such are available to our members anytime. They will always seek to honor God as they hope to guard the unity of our congregation and see each and every one of us draw closer to our Father.

    Contact them anytime:

    Frank LIlly - Chairman

    Fahey Harrell - Vice-Chairman

    Gary Smith

    Mike Hanson

    Bill Durham

  • Sunday School

    Here at Berea we offer Sunday School at 10:00am each Sunday.  Sunday School is the primary way to make friends and get connected to a church. If you haven't made it to Sunday School, you're missing out!

  • Berea STudent Ministry

    The idea behind Berea Student Ministry is that we are called "Christians." We have a distinct look, and we have distinct characteristics that separate us from the World. We meet every Sunday night at 6:30pm. 

    Come enjoy awesome Worship, and relevant teachings from the Word of God. It is our desire to impact Elizabeth City teens with the Gospel of Christ, to show them that this world can offer you nothing compared to what God offers you.

  • awana

    AWANA has been a great way to reach out to the children of our community. It is for children age 3 - 5th Grade. Come for snacks, game time and Bible Study! We have AWANA September to May, every Wednesday night from 6:30pm-8:00pm.

  • Berea Basketball ministry

    Berea Sports Ministry is an important part of Berea! Our basketball teams in the fall bring the church together each Saturday for fun and fellowship! . God is using sports to help reach kids and families for Christ!

  • chancel choir

    Our Chancel Choir rehearses on Suunday Evenings at 5:00pm (new singers always welcome) and does a fantastic job of singing praises to God! They are an inspiring group of musicians!

  • baptist men

    North Carolina Baptist Men (NCBM) believes that all Christians are called, gifted and sent. NCBM desires to help churches involve their members (women, men and students) in missions and ministry in the name of Jesus Christ. Our vision is "Every Christian sharing God's love with hurting people through word and deed." 

    We seek to:

    • Initiate and network to discover mission needs
    • Educate and disciple people concerning their spiritual gifts and abilities
    • Motivate and lead people in meeting those mission needs.
  • Handyman ministry

    Our Handyman Ministry has built hundreds of handicap ramps in our community (over 700). This is a powerful way that our Team uses their own physical abilities to share God's love. New handymen welcome anytime!

  • WMU

    Woman’s Missionary Union of North Carolina is a missions organization whose purpose is to challenge, prepare and equip Christian believers to be radically involved in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. They meet every third Tuesday @ 7:00pm.

    Woman’s Missionary Union of North Carolina . . .

    • Recognizes and values the abilities of each person and encourages them to use their spiritual gifts, God-given talents and personal passions to make a difference in the world where they live.
    • Serves as a missions education resource for churches while striving to aid individuals and seekers in the quest to discover and understand their purpose in life.
    • Challenges individuals to establish a relationship with God and create bonds with other believers in order to take seriously God’s command to proclaim the Good News to the ends of the earth.
    • Encourages a love and respect for all peoples that ultimately leads to action—the action of becoming the “hands and feet of Christ” ministering to the needs of a hurting world.
    • Recognizes prayer as the basis and intentional strategy for the work of the organization and individual believer. Through consistent conversation with God, believers discover His intricate purpose for life, take steps to disciple others and assist others serving throughout the world.
    • Lays a foundation through missions education in age-level organizations that leads to opportunities for all persons to be involved in missions and ministry.
    • Trains WMU leaders in associations and churches enabling those leaders to train other leaders.
    • Provides opportunities for worship and spiritual development that challenges, prepares and equips individuals to be on mission wherever they are through giving, going and doing.
    • Encourages all believers, whether members of the organization or not, to be a part of the fulfilling of the Great Commission.
  • soldiers for christ puppet team

    Each quarter we are blessed with the treat of Puppets. Our children & youth participate in this powerful ministry to get God's word out in creative ways. The puppets present their fun on the fourth Sunday of each month having five Sundays. They perform in other locations upon request.

  • homebound ministries

    It is important to continue to minister to our members even when they are unable to join us on Sunday. Our Homebound Ministry makes sure that no one is forgotten and that all are frequently reminded of the love of their church family!